Thursday, August 23, 2007


SCRIPTURE: 1 John 4: 7-10My beloved friends, let us continue to love each other since love comes from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and experiences a relationship with God. The person who refuses to love doesn't know the first thing about God, because God is love—so you can't know him if you don't love. This is how God showed his love for us: God sent his only Son into the world so we might live through him. This is the kind of love we are talking about—not that we once upon a time loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they've done to our relationship with God.

OBSERVATION: Here we see the reference to loving neighbor and loving God. A theme that is repeated throughout the New Testament. Love is the greatest gift ever given to humanity. It is through Gods love that He sent Jesus. It is through God's love that we have prevenient, justifying, and sanctifing grace. And it is through love that we expereince a relationship with God.

APPLICATION: As Christians we are called to love each other and it is through that love for others that our love for God is made real. To perfectly love God, we have to perfectly love others and yet...we are not perfect. We are far from it. So, how do we love others in a way that would be pleasing to God? Day by Day, little by little. It is a process and we are not going to get there overnight. It's called santification and it takes time. It also takes us putting forth some effort. I believe that while we do nothing to earn God's love; God's prevenient and Justifying grace and these onl come through his love...we do have a role to play in the growing to be Christ like. The role includes Bible study, prayer, fasting, and all the other means of grace. It also includes building of relationships. It means growing in our love toward one another and it is through that love for others in which our love for God manifest itself.

PRAYER: O God, help me to love and to grow in my love for others today and each day this week. Help me to focus specifically on ways that I can demonstrate my love for others. In Christ, Amen

Friday, August 17, 2007

Doom to the Shepherds

Scripture Jeremiah 23:1-4 "Doom to the shepherd-leaders who butcher and scatter my sheep!" God's Decree. "So here is what I, God, Israel's God, say to the shepherd-leaders who misled my people: 'You've scattered my sheep. You've driven them off. You haven't kept your eye on them. Well, let me tell you, I'm keeping my eye on you, keeping track of your criminal behavior. I'll take over and gather what's left of my sheep, gather them in from all the lands where I've driven them. I'll bring them back where they belong, and they'll recover and flourish. I'll set shepherd-leaders over them who will take good care of them. They won't live in fear or panic anymore. All the lost sheep rounded up!' God's Decree." The Message

Observation: Those who have been chose to be the shepherds of the sheep of God have an incredible responsibility to take care of those sheep. Misleading, scatering and driving them off is not what God has called them to do. He even ranks this as criminal behavior. God cares so much for his sheep that he will bring them back where they belong and nurse them back to health and recovery. All the lost sheep rounded up!

Application: I can't help but to think of the current situation in our denomination when I read this. In our conference there are 863 and it is my understanding that over 200 of those churches have less than 20 people. I believe there are 3 kinds of people. 1. Those who are on the discipleship path. They are growing in their faith, have a group of people who love and care for them and are being trained, encouraged, and empowered to reach others for Christ. These people go through tough trials of life and suffer but they have an excellent foundation of faith and also of faithful people who love, care and hold them accountable.

2. There are those who go to church, sit on the pew every Sunday, but are not growing. Those who will tell you they have faith, but you can't see it anywhere. Some have no passion for any growth and some have a desire for more, but in their faith infancy, they don't know how to get it and the church they are attending is not teaching them in a way that impacts their life. There is little accountablity, caring as long as it doesn't involve more than a covered dish, and belonging as long as it is never gets beyond social.

3. There are those who don't go to church at all or at the most on Christmas and Easter. Most have a somewhat elementary understanding of the Gospel, but have not made it applicable to their life. The are wandering and struggling through this life often times wondering if this is all there is. In many cases, these people have been hurt by organized religion and washed their hands of it. Often, they have at one time in their life truly been on the path to discovering what God had in store for them but were turned away by a "mature Christian".

In this passage, there is a warning to those of us how are shepherds (pastor's, laity, and all those in between). We have a responsibility to take care of our sheep. Taking care of our sheep means helping them to get closer to God as they travel down this road of life. It means giving them the tools they need, encouragment, accountablility, mentorship, be an example so that they can become all they can be (sanctification). It also means reaching out to those who don't know God and even harder to those who have been hurt by the Church.

Our membership in the United Methodist Church has been on the decline for way too many years. Why? The sheep are not being taken care of. We have been more worried about keeping our members happy and liking us than we have their spiritual growth. Thus we have church full of people who live in "fear" and/or "panic" because they are not prepared to deal with the stuggles of the world with God and God's people.

Prayer: Almighty God, we have not done a good job of being shepherds. We have allowed our own agendas, our own pleasures our own desires to be liked to over rule what you would have us to do. I ask for your forgiveness and I ask that you place in me and other shepherds a passionate desire to re-create churches that are more than just social clubs but disciple making factories. Amen

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Scripture: John 9:1-2 Walking down the street, Jesus saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked, "Rabbi, who sinned: this man or his parents, causing him to be born blind?" 3-5Jesus said, "You're asking the wrong question. You're looking for someone to blame. There is no such cause-effect here. Look instead for what God can do.

Observation: This Gospel tells the story of Jesus making a paste, rubbing it on a man's eyes who had been blind from birth. As the approached the man, the disciples asked who was the blame for this man's blindness and Jesus said they were asking the wrong question. They were asking who sinned or "who did it" when they should have been asking..."What can God do?"

Application: A great miracle is about to be performed here b Christ...making the blind to see and yet, the disciples would have missed it had Christ not been physically present. They were more worried with who caused the blindness than they were the cure. So many times in life, we are faced with situations that seem unsolvable, incurable, and utterly hopeless. We tend to start searching for the cause of our situation. How did I get into this mess instead of asking what God can do. Our God is such an incredibly powerful and loving God that there is not a situation we can find ourselves in that He cannot deliverus from. Loneleness, despair, desparation...the list goes on and on as to what God can do.

Prayer: O lord, you have created the heavens and the earth. You have formed the sky and the seas and birthed all the life on earth and yet too often we don't think you can handle the turmoil in our lives. Lord, help us to realize that you are God and you love each of us. No matter what we've done, road we've traveled, depth we've been still long for us. Lord, allow us to call on you to clear the path for us and to the one who gives us sight. Amen