Thursday, May 31, 2007

My Wife

Scripture: "A man's greatest treasure is his wife-- she is a gift from the Lord." Proverbs 18:22

Observation: A wife is a gift from God and the greatest treasure a man could ever have.

Application: My wife has been the greatest gift I have ever received. I don't know how I would have made it through the hardest times of my life (at least in the last 2 years) without her being by my side. She provides a strength that can only be from God. She loves me unconditionally and even when I do something stupid...(which is pretty often). She is the one who pushes me along when I think I can go no further and she is the one who tells me to be kind, or to calm down or to slow down when I begin to get the cart ahead of the horse. She is the one whom I trust the most and who I know will give me the advice I need to hear, not neccessarily the advice I want to hear. She is my partner but most of all she is my friend.

She is the one that I want to be with when I don't want to be with anyone else. She is the one who I want to be alone with on a Saturday afternoon exploring antique shops. She is the one who I want to run away with and spend the weekend in the most beautiful places in the world. She is the one that I want to grow old with and she is the one whom I want holding my hand when I go home. (We made a deal that I would go first)

I love her, want to honor her and I thank God every day that He blessed us with each other to make this journey through life together.

Prayer: Almighty God, thank you for Jill. A friend, a partner, a lover, a confidant, a source of strength and the mother of my children. You are such a great God and I know that your grace abounds when it makes no sense. This is evident in you blessing me with Jill. I thank you and priase your holy name for her.

Favorite Proverbs Chapter 18

It's selfish and stuptid to think only of yourself and to sneer at people who have sense. 1

Fools have no desire to learn; they would much rather give their own opinion. 2

Being lazy is no different from being a troublemaker. 9

It's stupid and embarrassing to give an answer before you listen. 13

Being cheerful helps when we are sick, but nothing helps when we give up. 14

A man's greatest treasure is his wife--she is a gift from the Lord. 22

Some friends don't help, but a true friend is closer than your own family. 24

Favorite Proverbs Chapter 17

A dry crust of bread eaten in peace and quiet is better than a feast eaten where everyone argues. 1

You will keep your friends if you forgive them, but you will lose your friends if you keep talking about what they did wrong. 9

A sensible person accpets correction, but you can't beat sense into a fool. 10

You will always have trouble if you are mean to those who are good to you. 13

A friend is always a friend and relatives are born to share our troubles. 17

It makes a lot of sense to be a person of few words and to stay calm. 27

Favorite Proverbs Chapter 16

We humans make plans, but the Lord has the final word. 1

We may think we know what is right, but th eLord is the judge of our motives. 2

When we please the Lord, even our enemies make friends with us. 7

We make our own plans, but the Lord decides where we will go. 9

Too much pride will destroy you. 18

You can persuade others if you are wise and speak sensibly. 23

Kind words are like honey; they cheer you up and make you feel strong. 24

Sometimes what seems right is a road to death. 25

We make our own decisions, but the Lord alone determines what happens. 33

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Favorite Proverbs Chapter 15

A kind answer soothes angry feelings, but harsh words stir them up. 1

The Lord sees everything, whether good or bad. 3

Kind words are good medicine, but decietful words can really hurt. 4

If the Lord can see everything in the world of the dead, he can see whats in our hearts. 11

A simple meal with love is better than a feast where there is hatred. 17

Losing your temper causes a lot of trouble, but staying calm settles arguments. 18

Favorite Proverbs Chapter 14

No one else can really know how happy or sad you are. 10

You may think you are on the right road and still end up dead. 12

Don't be stupid and believe all you hear; be smart and know where you are headed.15

Hard work is worthwhile, but empty talk will make you poor.23

If you mistreat the poor, you insult your Creator; if you are kind to them, you show Him respect. 31

In times of trouble the wicked are destroyed, but even at death the innocent have faith. 32

Favorite Proverbs Chapter 13

I'm reading the book of Proverbs and I am compelled to change my journaling form just a little to list some of my favorite Proverbs.

Chapter 13

Children with good sense accept correction form their parents, but stubborn children ignore it completely. 1

You will be well rewarded for saying something kind, but all some people think about is how to be cruel and mean. 2

No matter how much you want, laziness won't help a bit, but hard work will reward you with more than enough. 4

Whoever delivers your message can make things worse or better for you.17

Wise friends make you wise, but you hurt yourself by going around with fools. 20

If you love your children, you will correct them; if you don't love them, you won't correct them. 24.

Monday, May 28, 2007

People the Lord Doesn't Like

Scripture: There are six or seven kinds of people the LORD doesn't like: (1) Those who are too proud or (2) tell lies or (3) murder, (4) those who make evil plans or (5) are quick to do wrong, (6) those who tell lies in court or (7) stir up trouble in a family. Proverbs 6:16-19 (numbers added)

Observation: Here is a good list from Proverbs of actions and choices people make that God doesn't like. I don't believe that God doesn't like a single person. We are all children on God, but our choices and our actions become very descriptive of what kind of person we are. When we make these choices, we become this type of person and this is the kind of persons that God doesn't like.

Application: How will I be different... (1)I will be aware. Sometimes we do things and don't think about the consequences or don't even really care how they will affect others. Here is a pretty blunt indication of some triats that God doesn't care for and by being aware of what they are, I will make a choice not to do them. (2) I will CHOOSE not to do these things that the Lord doen't like. I have been given free will. I make the choices in most everything I do. Most of the time, I choose to do what is best for my side of the situation . (3) I will seek forgiveness whenever I fall short. Forgivness from God but also the other person (if one is involved)

Prayer: Almighty God, Thank you for being so great and wonderful. You created the world and everything in it including me. I am yours and I want and desire to lead a life that is pleasing to you and to you alone. Give me the strength and wisdom to go where you call, to live as you desire, and to love as You have loved me. In Christ, Amen.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Law, The Kindness and The Life

Scripture: The Law came, so that the full power of sin could be seen. Yet where sin was powerful, God's kindness was even more powerful. Sin ruled by means of death. But God's kindness now rules, and God has accepted us because of Jesus Christ our Lord. This means that we will have eternal life. Romans 5:20-21

Oberservation: Sin came into the world with one action...Adam taking a bite. Before this happened, there was no law, but God sent the Law so the full power of sin might be realized, so that it might be seen for what it really is...death. However, God has so much love for us, he was not satisfiedthat his children were being lost to death and thus came Jesus. Through this act of kindness God accepted us and defeated death through eternal life.

Application: When I was a little boy, I would do something wrong and usually get away with it. I was a pretty sneaky fellow. Yet, as I would lay down and try to go to sleep whatever I had done woudl grate upon my soul. I couldn't sleep, I couldn' forget about it and I knew what I had to do. I had to get up and share what I had done with my mom. Even when it hadn't been done directly to her, it was her that i went to. She was the one who loved me the most. So, I would go and sit on her bed and tell her what I had done. She always had good advice as to what I should do but she always forgave me and a release woudl come over me. I could go back to my room and go to sleep without any trouble.

I believe that most of us know right from wrong. I know that I do, but I don't always follow that and I will even make excuses such as I didn't know that was wrong...but deep inside, I really did. I'm guilty and even though I am trying now to get closer to God on a more intimate level...I still stumble. But through God's kindness and love...there is grace. A forgiving grace that allows me to cast aside those things that I have done and start over. He has also given me power to overcome so many things that held me captive at one time or another. Through His Son a bridge has been build to cross that gap between us and God. There is hope, there is peace, there is joy unimaginable.

Prayer: Almight God, I've had so much thrown at me lately. Some I have handled well and in ways that you woudl be proud. Some I have not handled so much in a way that you would be excited about. I'm sorry. However, I know that the place that I have gotten too is a place that you have lead me to. A place that I could not have achieved if you were not in my life. So, I keep moving along...trying to get close to you.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Not By Doing

Scripture: "Money paid to workers isn't a gift. It is something they earn by working. But you cannot make God accept you becuase of something you do. God accepts sinners only because they have faith in him." Romans 4:4-5

Oberservation: This verse gives the answer to the ultimate question...How can I be accepted by God. I am unworthy. I am a sinner and I haven't done what I am supposed to. I have broken the rules (Laws). The acceptance in God's eyes is not payment for a job well done. That would be as if a child being paid for being your child.

Application: So how can I be accepted by God? Only by faith. It has nothing to do with how good you are or by how well you obey the law. Because we are human and there is NO way to obey the law well enough or be good enough to be accepted by God. It can't happen. My children have lost their computer privelidges for 2 weeks. (by the way, it's been a tough two weeks on me and Jill). It's been amazing to watch them "be good" to get an hour here or an hour there as a reward for being good. "If I can just get my room cleaned up well enough or if I do my own laundry or if I load and unload the dishwasher without being asked...maybe I can get some computer time." Jill and I are softee's when it comes to dealing out discipline and we give in...probably too much but that's another journal entry. Their good actions may restore some of their privledges, but that is not the basis for our relationship. That basis is built on love. We know they love us and they know we love them.

Our relationship with God is not based upon our actions...its based upon our love for God. In order to be accepted by God, Paul writes, that "God accepts sinners only becuase they have faith in him." They love him, they rely on him, they know that without Him we are nothing and they know that He loves them back.

It's a funny thing (or maybe I should say a God thing) when the faith you have in God grows and builds. As you "work" on your faith...a desire, a passion is revealed in you to obey God's commands. Not because they will bring you acceptance from God but because they are instructions on how to live a Godly life. Even then, we are going to fall short, but God accepts even our shortcoming when we are devoted to Him.

O Lord, help me to remember that I can't buy your love and it's only through my faith in you will I find acceptance in your Kingdom. Lord, help me to grow my faith more day by day. Amen

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Listening and Doing

Scripture: God accepts those who obey his Law, but not those who simply hear it.

Observation: It is one thing to know or to hear and quite another to obey and do.

Application: Scripture says that even the demons know that Christ is the son of God. It's not enough just to know that information (although it is very good info to be aware of). We must walk the way not only talk the talk and that is where the rubber meets the road. (I wonder how many cliche's I can put in here). So how do I obey the Law of God.

1. The way that I live must be glorifing to God. All too often, I forget this and do things/say/think things that are far from bringing glory to God. It may be the way I react to someone who has hurt me. It may be my aggressive style in dealing with a situation. It may be my lack of compassion for someone that I don't care too much for. I really can't imagine God saying "Good job my faithful servant...way to get your revenge by making that person pay for their mistakes. You did my job well." That's probably not what God is going to say.

2. By growing closer to Christ everyday. Each and every day I have to make a intentitional effort to feed myself spiritually. It is through this spiritual nourishment that I grow in my faith and in my relationships with Christ. I have fallen into the trap of believing that my growth is going to take place automatically and it does not need my assistance but that only can go so far. It is through this growth that I am able to have the strength, passion and desire to attempt to fulfill the law of God.

Prayer: Almighty God, Continue to put in me the passion for growing closer to you.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Don't Point That Finger

Scripture: Some of you accuse others of doing wrong. But there is no excuse for what you do. When you judge others, you condemn yourselves, because you are guilty of doing the very same things. We know that God is right to judge everyone who behaves in this way. Do you really think God won't punish you, when you behave exactly like the people you accuse? You surely don't think much of God's wonderful goodness or of his patience and willingness to put up with you. Romans 2:1.

Observation: There are some people who are quick to point a finger. To point out the sins and faults of others in a condemning way. This scripture says that we have no right to do such a thing because we have behaved in the same way. Sometimes even worse. The consequence is there...God will judge everyone who behaves in this way and punishment is listed.

Application: Lately someone has been telling me how wrong the decisions are that I have made in regards to my mom (mom sustained a brain injury in 2005 due to a car accident and I have been one of her Power's of Attorney). She has been using Bible Scripture like swords to tear me apart and to "show" me that not only does she think I am wrong, but so does God. This Scripture is speaking directly too me this morning.

We are not the judges of others. We cannot and should not see their sins and be condemning nor judgemental. We should love them anyway. That is not to say that we shouldn't call it to their attention. However, to talk with someone about sin that is hurting them with Christian love is extremely difficult to do without it becoming judgemental. Yet if you find you cannot do that...I believe it is in our best interest not to because Paul says that we are condemning ourselves when we do that. It's not worth it.

It takes a great amount of spiritual growth to be able to correct someone in love and not condemnation. But that it is what pray, believe and hope that Christ will do for us.

Prayer: O God, it is so easy to see the fault in others without seeing our own shortcomings. Please help me to turn that pointing finger within and worry more about my own sins that those of others. I'm sure that will give me plenty to be concerned with, without bringing someone elses into the picture. I love you and I thank you for loving me.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Learning and Doing

Scripture: I will sing to your Lord! I will celebrate your kindness and your justice. Please help me to learn to do the right thing and I will be honest and fair in my own kingdom. I refuse to be corrupt or to take part in anything crooked, and I won't be dishonest or deceitful.

Observation: This Psalm has two key factors. The first is a request for the Lord to help me to learn to do the right thing. Learning is a process. It does not happen (usually) all at once. And thus learning to do the right thing takes time. However, there is also a choice to be made. By the Psalmist saying that I refuse to be corrupt, dishones or decietful and that a choice will be made to be honest and fair. Learning and doing. Making choices to do the right things.

Application: Each day we are growing. If we are not growing, we are dead. It happens in the physical world...if we stop growing, we die. It happens in the spiritual world in that if we are not growing spiritually, we are dead spiritually. In our growth, there is a learning process that requires Gods help. We can't do it on our own but God doesn't teach us without our input. We have to be willing to put forth the effort to learn the right thing; retain the right thing and the to do the right thing. .

Prayer: Almight God, help me to learn what is good and right. Help me to be able to tell what is from you and what is of htis world. Then give me the courage to do what it takes to do the right thing. Thank you Lord for loving me so much. In Christ...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

BIG Work for God

Scripture: Then David continued, "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged by the size of the task, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. He will see to it that all the work related to the Temple of the Lord is finished correctly. 1 Chronicles 28:20

Observation: Solomon has been given a monumental task in building a temple for God. He must have been overwhelmed or at least King David thought he was or would be due to the enormity of the task set before him. So, through these words of confidence, David tells Solomon where strength is and in a way assures him that it is not him working alone that will build the temple but only through him working with God will the temple be finished CORRECTLY.

Application: This scripture really hits close to home. As we are in the beginning phases of building a church, I really can understand what Solomon must have been feeling or at least what David understood that he might have been feeling. I often feel the same way. What a monumental task!! How am I ever going to accomplish this? What if it fails? What if we don't reach anyone? I continually have to remind myself that this is not MY project! It is God's project and He is just using me as a worker. I cannot build a successful church. I'm not that smart, good, nor holy. However, my foreman is. His name is God. John, have you consulted with him on the building plans today? If not and you do this on your will NOT be done correctly. When I become afraid or discouraged...I must remember that I am only a worker. God is the project manager and he will see to it that all work related to the Temple of the Lord will be done correctly.

Get to Know God

Scripture: And Solomon, my son, get to know the God of your ancestors. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and with a willing mind. For the LORD sees every heart and understands and knows ever plan and thought. If you seek him, you will find him. But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. So take this seriously. The LORD has chose you to build a Temple as his sanctuary. Be strong, and do the work. 1 Chronicles 28:9-10

Observation: This advice comes from King David to his son Solomon. David has been told by the LORD that he is not going to be the one who builds the Temple but that it is going to be Solomon and David is giving him this advice. The Temple is going to be HUGE! It is a great undertaking and one which couldn't be done without the help of God. David's advice to Solomon is to put God first with "whole heart and a willing mind". He tells Solomon that God sees and knows everything including the thoughts and plans in our minds. That's pretty scary!! But if we are seeking God, we will find him. David tells Solomon (as a pep talk) that the Lord has chosen you to build this Temple...sure it's an awesome undertaking but be strong and do the work. You won't be sorry!

Application: King David could give us all that advice. The prophet Jeremiah said the Lord has a plan for our life...a plan for good and not calamity and it will bring a hope and a future. The plans that God has for us are incredible and awesome and like the temple, unattainable without God. For us to achieve what God has planned for our lives, we must be willing to be a disciple of Christ. One of the ways that a disciple is described is being fully committed follower of Jesus Christ. Being willing to follow Christ with "Whole heart and a willing mind." It's a huge leap of faith to be willing to undertake the plan God has for your life and it includes being fully committed to do it His way and not our own; for His glory and not so our name will be in lights.

Prayer: O God, you are doing some great and wonderful things in this world. Give me the opportunity to be a small part of your plans. To have a small role in the play of life of which you are directing, producing and have written. You are so great and it's only through you that true happiness, satisfaction, true joy can be found. I want to experience you in ways that I have never imagined. Allow me and I will give you the honor and glory you so richly deserve.

Encourage Each Other

Scripture: So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Observation: As Christians we are to help and support each other during times of trail and celebrate the victories of life.

Application: This is one of the reasons that I think more churches should impliment the small group model. We are instructed by Paul to encourage each other and build each other up and yet so often we spend our time tearing each other down. As humans, we have something in us that wants and desires to be "on top" and very often this comes at the expense of others. Yet, as Christians, there is an expectation to hold one another up and to encourage instead of discourage. I often find myself in this trap. Yet, to realize that tearing someone down is only tearing ones own self down. As Christians, when we encourage and build someone else up, we ourselves are built up.

Prayer: Almighty and awesome God, help me to remember each day to build others up. That whatever I may be going through in life, others are going through something also. Help me to help them by building them up.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Scripture: Finally, dear brothers and sisters, we urge you in the name of the Lord Jesus to live in a way that pleases God, as we have taught you...God has called us to be holy, not to live umpure lives. Anyone who refuses to live by these rules is not disobeying human rules, but is rejecting God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you. 1 Thessalonians 4:1,7-8

Observation: We are called to live a life that pleases God. God has given us the ability to live a life that is holy or he woudl not have called us to it. It is our choice as to whether or not we will choose to live the holy life that God desires for us. If we choose not to live a life that is pleasing to God; we are rejecting God.

Application: My joy, my happiness, my security comes from God. I tried for so long to live a life that was all John and it did not work out. I was bitter, lonely, and empty. As much as I tried to fill up from the outside world, I just became more drained. The only way that I have found to find true joy, satisfaction and fulfillment is through doing what God has called me to. Living a Holy life.

Yet, it's a battle everyday, becuase I am always tempted to "do things my own way" and reject God. As I have grown spiritually, things that once were huge temptations now have no effect whatsoever. However, temptations find your weak spot and its like a fly going to jelly. My weak spot is when I get stressed. When I have no ability to do anything in regards to a situation. It ruins my day and robs my joy. That has been happening a great deal lately. My joy comes from the Lord and nothing can steal it unless I ALLOW it to come like a thief in the night and take it.

So the big question in this section of journaling is "How am I going to be different because of what I read this morning?" 1. I am going to call these situations for what they really are...attempts to steal my joy! 2. I am going to say (out loud) to these temptations, "You're trying to steal my joy and We're (me and the Holy Spirit) not going to allow it. 3. I am going to trust in God. (Wow, that doesn't sound like a big one for a preacher, but it is in certain situations.) God has never failed to give me what I need ("provide for us our daily bread) and there is no situation that God cannot overcome.

Prayer: O Lord, there are so many things happening in my life that are just totally out of my control. You know that I am a control freak and so there is no sense in dwelling on it for too long except to say that I have realized that it is causing me to lose my joy. My discontent meter is rising and my joy cylinder is dropping because of the multiple situations in my life going on right now. Lord, I'm not asking that you remove these situations...I know you could! I am asking for you to help me learn how to be in a situation where I am not in control and retain my joy.

God you are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. You are the one who gives me my strength, my fulfillment and my joy and I am the one who allows them to be taken away. Teach me, I plead, so that I may serve you in ways that I cannot begin to imagine. In Christ...Amen

Monday, May 14, 2007

Work of the Levites

Scripture: And so, under the supervision of the priest, the Levites watched over the Tabernacle and the Temple and faithfully carried out their duties of service at the house of the Lord. 1 Chronicles 23:32

Observation: 1 Chronicles 23 is a detalied description of the duties of the Levites. They were decendents of Levi and they had to be 20 years old to qualify for service in the house of the Lord. The Levites are the ones who carried the Tabernacle adn its utensils from place to place. They were in charge of taking care of the side rooms and courtyards; helped perfort them ceremonies; in charge of the sacred bred that was set out on the tables; and each day (morning and evening) they sang songs of thanks and priase to the Lord.

Application: What an honor it must have been to be chosen to take care of the Lords Stuff. They were responsible for making sure everything was set up in its proper place and done in the proper way. Why did they do this, one reason and one reason serve the Lord. I believe they found great joy in their work, not because of the specific task (which I'm sure some enjoyed) but becuase they were working for the Lord.

There are things around the church that I don't like to do and yet they must be done. Instead of complaining and doing these things with a bad attitude, I need to remember why and for whom I am doing it. This allows even the most meninal task to bring joy.

Prayer: Almighty and wonderful God. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and Your Kingdom. There is so much to be done and its all of great value because it is done for you. Help me to remain focused as to why I do what I do and for whom that I do it. When I start to grumble or wonder why someone else gets to do the "cool" job, remind me that whatever I may have been assigned to do is for you and my joy is found in you.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Scripture: For we speak as messengers who have been approved by God to be entrusted with the Good News. Ou purpose is to please God, not people. He is the one who examines the motives of our hearts. 1 Thessalonians 2:4

Observation: There is a great burden placed upon those how speak as messengers of God. As preachers, we are expected to deliver sermons that are not of our own, but of God. Some of these sermons will not make people happy, but that is not what there purpose is. The purpose of a preacher is to please God and there will be a test as He examines our motives for what is said.

Application: Speak with the boldness of God. Speak with the strength of Jesus and not to be afraid that someone may not like what is said. In the world today, we worry about and go out of our way not to offend anyone. How can the Word of God be spoken without EVERYONE being offended. We have all sinned against God and to myknowledge none of us (including myself) have reached perfection. Thus we will continue to be offended by the Word of God.

As a pastor, I have a huge burden not to allow my sermons to become John Monologues. I must make sure that the Word of God is spoken in a way the peopel can understand but not in a condeming way but in a way of love. I will be held accountable. Scripture says that God Himself will examine the motives of myheart. If my motives are for anyone but him...I'm in trouble.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for this calling that you have placed upon my life. May I always seek to speak your Word and not my own. During those times when I speak your Word and everyone else is on my case, Lord, give me strength to look past it; endurance to keep going; and a reminder that my purpose is to please you and not people.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

My Tears

Scripture: "You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. Psalm 56:8

Observation: Our God knows all of what is going on in our lives. A tear does not fall without it being accounted for.

Application: How much love can be described in one verse of Scripture? This is very intimate stuff and God is very intimate with us. I can't stand for someone to see me cry. I will fight back tears and when they come, I will do my best to turn my head. Yet, there is God. Keeping track of every tear that falls. Collecting them in a bottle. What true love He has for us.

Prayer: Almight and great God. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for wanting to be in an intimate relationship with your children; for caring so much for us that you keep track of every tear that falls. Thank you God.

I Wish I Was Someone Else

Scripture: My heart is in anguish. the terror of death overpowers me. Fear and trembling overwhelm me. I can't stop shaking. Oh, how I wish I had wings like a dove; then I would fly away and rest. I would fly far awayto the quiet of the wilderness. How quickly I woudl escape--far away from this wild storm of hatred. Psalm 55: 4-8

Observation: David wrote this meditation regarding a time whenZiphites came and said to Saul, "We know where David is hiding." David was afraid, he was overwhelmed to the point in which he could not stop shaking and he wishes he was a dove to be able to fly away and get out of this storm.

Application: How many times have I been in a storm of life and seen a beautiful bird and wish I could become that bird to fly away from all my troubles. Real troubles, no not death, but troubles just the same. Troubles that overwhelm me, that cause my heart to be in anguish. I look at the bird and think, "that bird has no troubles and is as free as any creature in the world. Or more than that, I look to someone else adn say I wish I was him or her. "They seem to have it all together."

How will I be different from this passage, I have a knowledge that someone as great as David, wished the same thing. Here was a man whom God had chose and he struggled with amny things in life. He was far from perfect, he did not always do what he was supposed to do and he did not have all the answers. Yet God never left him.

Prayer: Almight and wonderful God. You are so great that you can move a mountain, tell the sea where to stop and create this beautiful world we live in. Your name is Awesome. I have so many things that I want to pray for and at times I am tempted to use you as a Genie in a bottle. Giving you a list of things that I want, I need or that I desire. But Lord you are too great for that and you know better than I and so I ask that your will be done. There are times when you will is going to cause me to want to be a bird and fly away, but it's the only way. And I thank you. Amen

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Experiencing the Greatness

Scripture: I will tell everyone about your righteousness. All day long I will proclaim your saving power, for I am overwhelmed by how much you have done for me. Psalm 71:15

Observation: In this one short verse, there are three parts that we must pay attention to. The first part is that "I will tell everyone about your righteousness." The psalmist David is so excited about what has happened in his life hat he is telling God that he is going to tell everyone about the righteousness of God. I'm assuming this means everyone from camel keepers to the queen. Why, because David has experienced the righteousness of God and when that is expereinced we cannot help but to tell everyone.

The second part to this verse is "All day long I will proclaim your saving power." Here David gives a time frame as to when he is going to share God with his community..."All day long" and again he gives the reason for what he is proclaiming...the saving power of God. David has experienced this either in person or witnessesed the greatness of this saving power and he has to tell someone.

The third part is the one that really gets to me personally. "...for I am overwhelmed with how much you have done for me." It is amazing at how much God has done for each of us through his love. The miracles performed, the love of others, the grace that has been freely offered. If I take the time to really concentrate on all that God has done for me in a single is overwhelming. Why does he do it, for the same reason he did it for David, God loves us.

Application: How will I be different today because of what I just read? As I read the passages this morning and began journaling, I watched the sun come up! It was a miracle that happens everyday. I realize that no matter what I am going through in life, God is at work in my life. Sometimes life gets me down...I have a rough day and just want to crawl into a hole. Yet the Lord has blessed me with a beautiful wife and wonderful children. God has also placed people in my life that allow Him to work through them. Often times I am "overwhelmed" by their presence, their words, and their actions and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is God using them. I realize that I am not far away from God, but that God is inching ever so close to me.

This realization and recognition of the many things that God is doing in the world, the nation, my city, my community, and my life give me encouragement to "make it through the day". It also lights a passion to tell others about the mighty righteousness of God and the saving grace that only comes through a relationship with Him.

Prayer: God, Master of the Universe, King of kings and Lord of lords, I come to you in prayer. Thanking you for the way you act in my life. It's difficult to live in this world today. We have problems that can't be imagined and it's so easy to try and tackle them on our own. When we do this, we feel frustrated, bogged down, defeated. However, if we bother to look, you are right there beside us...offering a way, a path to go down. You are offering o us grace and love. Lord, open my heart to received your righteousness, your grace and let me be overwhelmed by your love. Let the overwhelming feeling grow to the point where I must share it with others all day long or I'm going to explode! Thank you God for being in my life. I know you are going to be doing some pretty awesome things today...I ask that you offer me the privelidge of having a small part in what you do in the world today and I will give you the glory, honor and praise.

Friday, May 4, 2007

How Great is our God 5/02/2007

Scripture: Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he had done. Sing to him, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his miricles. Exalt his holy name; O worshippers of the Lord, rejoice; search for the Lord and his strength and keep on searching. . Think of the wonderful things he has done, the miracles, ahd the judgements handed down.

Observation: God is great and the whole world needs to know. We need to know what he has done and what kind of God he is and find peace and comfort in that knowledge.

Application: Everywhere I look, I'm going to see the majisty, the greatness of God. Through the birds singing, the sun rising, my dog laying at my feet, my child who woke up without me having to tell her. How will I be diferent, I'm going to rejoice in God and bathe in his glory. When the world hits and I'm cast down again by life. I will remember and celebrate how awesome our God is.

Prayer: Oh God, what messes I find myself in. M, E, and just the turmoil of life. It affects everything I do. I try to handle it all myself. I try to be God and I am not. Lord, right now, I don't know where my mom is. I pray that she is okay. I ask that you watch over her and I give it to you. Lord I ask for the opportunity to talk with J. (A member of the church and we haven't been seeing eye to eye) If that opportunity comes lord, grant me the wisdom to say to her what needs to be said and for me to listen to what needs to be heard.

Lord, I ask for your guidance and dirrction with this new church. Show me the path that you would have me go down and I will do my best to bring your glory.

Wow! Pretty selfish prayer huh?

Building a House 5/01/2007

Scripture: Lord, remember David and all that he sufferedc. He made a solemn promise to the Lord. He vowed to the mighty one of Isreal, I will not go home; I will not let myself rest. I will not let my eyelids slumber until I find a place to build a house for the Lord. A sanctuary for the might one of Israel. Psalm 132:1-5

Observation: David was determined to build this House for the Lord. It became personal between him nad God and he was going to see it through. No matter what.

Application: I feel the calling of the Lord upon my heart to build a community of faith. A place where disciples are made and re-made and this brings glory to God. There will be suffering, there will be sleepless nights, but it's worth it.

Prayer: O Lord, as I and my family embark upon this adventure. may we go with eyes open. I lift up Jill and ask that you give her strength in ways she can't imagine. I ask for your blessing uon this endevour. Use us and the gifts you hve given to us in order to bring you glory. In Christ I pray.

Peace 4/29/07

Scripture: O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know when my thought are far away. you see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord. You go before me and follow me. YOu place your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is to wonderful for great for me to understand. Psalm 139:106

Observation: The Lord is present!! He is always with me and knows everything. This is great news. We are never alone, even in the most lonely times.

Application: I've had to make some hard decisions with my mom in the last several weeks and it culminated yesterday with me stepping out of the picture all together. Feelings of shame, disappointment, confusion, fear for her have enveloped my life. But to read and to know that I am not alone. That my God has his hand of blessing upon my head is too wonderful to understand. Yet, I find peace and comfort.

I feel a great spiritual unrest in my life right now. I feel that I am being attacked on all sides, Yet, through this scripture. I find hope that I am not the first to go through this. Even David had his enemies. With God's help, I will make it through.

Prayer: Most awesome God, creator of all there is... Lay your hands upon my head. Allow your power to flow through my body. Use me in ways that I can't dream of. Cast out the imperfections that hold me back. Bless me with a more tolerant heart and a slower knee jerk reaction. I know htat wnen I do that, it's not pleasing to you and does not bring you honr; it does not mend fences but tears them down. Almighty God, put in me a spirit of reconcilation. A desire to build a bridge instead of creating a chasim. In your name, becuase I am not good enough to do this on my own, I pray...Amen.

Out of Control 4/28/2007

Scripture: "And even though I am the anointed king, Joab and Abishai are too strong for me to control." 2 Samuel 3:39

Observation: A war has been going on between those who are loyal to Saul and to David. Yet one of Saul's greatest leaders has a change of heart due to something done against him and gives his loyality to David. David invites him and entertains with a great feast. But as Abner is leaving, two who were loyal to David return from a raid. They kill Abner. They go against what the person in charge, king David, has decreed and take matters into their own hands. The one who is in control feels out of control...what does he do, he turns it over to God.

Application: My watching over my mom has been on battle after another. As her son I feel that I am the "appointed heir." They one who has the responsibility to watch over her and to care for her. Yet there are two people who have very little interest and no responsibility running about with knives out. They are doing as much damage as they can. It's out of my control and as king David said, "They are too strong for me to control."

All too often in life there are things that are out of our control and yet we are a "controlling people." We like to be in charge because it gives us some assurance of that at least we are in control. Yet, we are not made to be in total control. God is. Learning to give God control in all aspects and areas of my life is probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do and yet it is the most important.

Prayer: O Lord, release my heart. I am fighting battles on all fronts. E, C, V, J, M. All are battles that I feel I must win, but all have factors in which I cannot control. Lord grant me the wisdom to make the right decisions, the discernment of when to talk, and when to keep my mouth closed. Lord, I give these situations over to you. Amen.

Tough Times 4/27/2007

Scripture: "I cry out to the Lord; I plead for the Lord's mercy. I pour out my complaints before him and tell him all my troubles. When I'm overwhelmed, you alone knw the way I should turn." Psalm 142:1-3

Oberservation: The Psalmist David, someone who was very close to God had complaints, troubles and felt, at times, overwhelmed. If this is something that David experienced why wouldn't I? Even after all he had accomplished with Goalith, Saul, being a king. He still expereinced life...the ups and the downs.

Application: There are times in life in which we experience great joy. We love life. It is so good and everything is going according to our plan. Then BLAM! All at once it all falls apart. We have a God whom we can cry out to. A God who loves us, listens to our troubles and who also knows what we should do. We often times get into trouble because we are doing our own thing, but God alone knows the way. Trust in God.

Prayer: Almighty God. Through the ups and the downs of life show us the way and allow us to let out what is in our heart to you. Amen.

A Bitter Pill To Swallow 4/27/2007

Scripture: "Abner shouted to Joab, 'Must we always be killing each other? Don't you realize that bitterness its the only result?' Then Joab said, 'God only knows what would have happened if you hadn't spoken. For we would have chased you all night if neccesary." 2 Samuel 2:26-27

Observation: Abner had the military advantage as he was on "top of the hill." vs 25 Yet, he realized that death woudl ensue and he made the first move. Not knowing what it would do or what affect it woudl have, he called down and asked, "Don't you know that bitterness is the only result." No matter who may have won the battle...bitterness would have won.

Application: This scripture has reminded me that its not all about me being right. I struggle with that! I can be right and have the military advantage and the winner is bitterness. I also realized that often the man with the military advantage has to make the 1st move in reconciliation. It's risky, can be dangerous to seek reconciliation especially when you have the advantage. But being a disciple of Christ is about going outside the norm, doing what is not safe and what is risky.

Prayer: Lord, open my heart to remove myself. Place in me a love not to destroy people because I am angry, have the winning hand, or even becuase I may be right. Bitterness is a dangerous and harmful pill that is destructive to relationships. Help me recognize that and cast it aside.