Monday, February 11, 2008

Paul Gets Fed Up

Scripture: Acts 18: 5-6When Silas and Timothy arrived from Macedonia, Paul was able to give all his time to preaching and teaching, doing everything he could to persuade the Jews that Jesus was in fact God's Messiah. But no such luck. All they did was argue contentiously and contradict him at every turn. Totally exasperated, Paul had finally had it with them and gave it up as a bad job. "Have it your way, then," he said. "You've made your bed; now lie in it. From now on I'm spending my time with the other nations.

One night the Master spoke to Paul in a dream: "Keep it up, and don't let anyone intimidate or silence you. No matter what happens, I'm with you and no one is going to be able to hurt you. You have no idea how many people I have on my side in this city." That was all he needed to stick it out. He stayed another year and a half, faithfully teaching the Word of God to the Corinthians.

Observation: Even Paul gets a little fed up. It seems that he is doing all he can to spread the Gospel and it's not working out for him too well. It get's to the point where scripture say that Paul is totally exasperated. Oh, how many times as a preacher do I get like this. It seems that nothing is going the way that I think it should. I think Paul had reached this point and then God appeared to him in a dream and gave him a little pep talk. What do we learn from God's pep talk... several things. 1. Paul was being intimidated and attempts were made to silence him. This is not comfortable living. 2. God has Pauls back. "I'm with you" are the greatest words that God ever tells his people. 3. We don't know all the work that God is doing. All we see is what is in front of our face and not in the hearts of all the people that God is working with.

Application: There are times when I believe that I am the only one out there spreading the Gospel. Sounds stupid and conceted, I know. I try and do it all myself and not allow God to work. When all I see is what I have done..I get "totally exasperated." I forget that it's not me in charge. I'm just a servant and the greatest work is being done by the Master. Work that I don't see, realize nor get credit for. As I try to apply this scripture, I am going to focus on what God is doing and not as much on what I am doing.

Prayer: Dear God, I thank you and praise you for the work that you have called me to. You have chosen me to be among those who have gone before in the spreading of your Gospel. I thank you for this honor and ask that you continually use me in mighty ways. Ways that are beyond my imagination. Thanks Amen.

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