Monday, November 2, 2009

Mad at God

Scripture: Job 23:1-6 (The Message)
"I'm not letting up—I'm standing my ground.
My complaint is legitimate.
God has no right to treat me like this—
it isn't fair!
If I knew where on earth to find him,
I'd go straight to him.
I'd lay my case before him face-to-face,
give him all my arguments firsthand.
I'd find out exactly what he's thinking,
discover what's going on in his head.

Observation Things are not going well in the life of Job and it seems that he has some anger inside that needs to be let out. God is his target. After all, Job has been living right, he's been doing everything that God would want him to do and yet all this stuff is happening to him. It's just not right!

Application How many times in my life have I been doing the best I can and bad things just keep happening? And when bad things happen, they don't happen one at a time but come in bunches. Many times it really is no ones fault, it is just happening and I want to yell at God. This Scripture show us that it's okay to get upset with God. Our God is big enough and can handle it. If we can't be real with God, who can we be real with? This is part of being in a relationship.

Prayer Thank you God for being loving and allowing me to be me especially when times are not going so well. Please help me to continue maturing in our relationship and growing toward your grace. Amen

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