Friday, July 6, 2007

Finding Strength in Each Other (Small Groups)

Scripture: "So Brothers and sisters, be careful that none of you has an unbelieving heart that will turn you away form the Living God. But encourage each other everyday while it is toda. Help each other so none of you will become hardened becuas sin has tricked you. We all share in Christ if we keep till the end the sure faith we had in the beginning.

Observation: In this letter the author is encouragin the Hebrew church to keep the faith. there are 3 points in this Scripture:

1. We have to encourage each other. To hold one another accountable. To be there for them and help them out along the way. Christianity is not a spectator sport.

2. sin is at work and will trick you and harden your heart.

3. Faith is something that can be lost.

Application: The importane of finding and being a part of a small group is demonstrated in this passage. It is vitally important in our walk to walk with others along the way. This allows us to help them but also allows them to be there for us. there will be low points in life and its extremely hard and difficult to navigate life as a Lone Ranger. That's not what God has called us to do. We are called to be a family supporting one another.

Prayer: Almighty God, its so easy to want to do things my own way. To go it alone. Yet I realize I need others. Thank you for blessings my life with those who love and care for me. Amen.

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