Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Ruined by Pride

Scripture: "But when Uzzah became powerful, his pride led to his ruin. He was unfaithful to the Lord his God." 2 Chron. 26:16

Observation: U. was a powerful king of Judah and became King at 16 years of age and ruled 52 years. He was aught by Zecheriah how to respect adn obey the Lord and as long as he obeed God, he was ver successful with many victories adn conquest. Yet his power brought pride and he was going to do the right things the wrong way. He went into the temple and insisted on burning incense to the Lord. 81 brave preiset went to him to get him to stop but he didn't and as he was stading there a skin disease broke out on his head and he carried this disease ntil he died . He had to live in a separate house and could no longer enter the temle of the Lord.

Application: How many timesdo I "get too big for my britches?" Too man. It's very difficult to keep pride in check when things are going well. No matter how much we know, we still desire to do things our way and often that leads to trouble. I'm on a mission trip right now and the them is "It's not about us...It's about Him (Christ) and yet so often the good things we do become "bad" because they become inwardly focusd. Instead being about God. This happens to the best of us and each day, I will work to put aside myself and focus on being a true servant of God.

Prayer: Almighty God. Its so easy to put self first. To allow pride to come into our life and begin to put ourselves first instead of being the servant you have called us to be. Oh Lord, place in mea humble heart so that I can be more like Christ. Amen.

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