Wednesday, June 6, 2007

God Has Us Where He Wants Us

Scripture: Ephesians 2: 7-10Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish! We don't play the major role. If we did, we'd probably go around bragging that we'd done the whole thing! No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.

Observation: Once we have accepted His offer of salvation. Accepted the cross and resurrection was payment for our sins, we find ourselves in the place that God wants us to be. A place where He can shower us with his grace and love. We must remember that we play a very, very little role in our salvation. God does all the work. It is a gift and in which all we do is accept it and enjoy it. Why did God do this, because we are created to join Him in His Holy Work.

Application: God created us with gifts, and a purpose to fulfill. He gave us everything we need including saving us from ourselves and this world. It was not just so we could "live the good life" and it was not so that we would have a life of ease. It was so that we could/would join Christ in the work he started. That of making disciples. That is our design...its what we were created to do and if we don't we will never find the satisfaction and joy in life that all of us are so desperately looking for.

So, each day I am going to remember that I am a child of God and I am created with gifts and graces that only I have. I am going to make the effort each day to join God in whatever great task He calls me to so that I can share his love with others.

Prayer: Great God, you are so wonderful and you love me so much. I thank you for your grace and kindness and I ask that your Spirit give me strength to follow where ever you may lead.

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