Saturday, May 12, 2007

I Wish I Was Someone Else

Scripture: My heart is in anguish. the terror of death overpowers me. Fear and trembling overwhelm me. I can't stop shaking. Oh, how I wish I had wings like a dove; then I would fly away and rest. I would fly far awayto the quiet of the wilderness. How quickly I woudl escape--far away from this wild storm of hatred. Psalm 55: 4-8

Observation: David wrote this meditation regarding a time whenZiphites came and said to Saul, "We know where David is hiding." David was afraid, he was overwhelmed to the point in which he could not stop shaking and he wishes he was a dove to be able to fly away and get out of this storm.

Application: How many times have I been in a storm of life and seen a beautiful bird and wish I could become that bird to fly away from all my troubles. Real troubles, no not death, but troubles just the same. Troubles that overwhelm me, that cause my heart to be in anguish. I look at the bird and think, "that bird has no troubles and is as free as any creature in the world. Or more than that, I look to someone else adn say I wish I was him or her. "They seem to have it all together."

How will I be different from this passage, I have a knowledge that someone as great as David, wished the same thing. Here was a man whom God had chose and he struggled with amny things in life. He was far from perfect, he did not always do what he was supposed to do and he did not have all the answers. Yet God never left him.

Prayer: Almight and wonderful God. You are so great that you can move a mountain, tell the sea where to stop and create this beautiful world we live in. Your name is Awesome. I have so many things that I want to pray for and at times I am tempted to use you as a Genie in a bottle. Giving you a list of things that I want, I need or that I desire. But Lord you are too great for that and you know better than I and so I ask that your will be done. There are times when you will is going to cause me to want to be a bird and fly away, but it's the only way. And I thank you. Amen

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