Monday, May 28, 2007

People the Lord Doesn't Like

Scripture: There are six or seven kinds of people the LORD doesn't like: (1) Those who are too proud or (2) tell lies or (3) murder, (4) those who make evil plans or (5) are quick to do wrong, (6) those who tell lies in court or (7) stir up trouble in a family. Proverbs 6:16-19 (numbers added)

Observation: Here is a good list from Proverbs of actions and choices people make that God doesn't like. I don't believe that God doesn't like a single person. We are all children on God, but our choices and our actions become very descriptive of what kind of person we are. When we make these choices, we become this type of person and this is the kind of persons that God doesn't like.

Application: How will I be different... (1)I will be aware. Sometimes we do things and don't think about the consequences or don't even really care how they will affect others. Here is a pretty blunt indication of some triats that God doesn't care for and by being aware of what they are, I will make a choice not to do them. (2) I will CHOOSE not to do these things that the Lord doen't like. I have been given free will. I make the choices in most everything I do. Most of the time, I choose to do what is best for my side of the situation . (3) I will seek forgiveness whenever I fall short. Forgivness from God but also the other person (if one is involved)

Prayer: Almighty God, Thank you for being so great and wonderful. You created the world and everything in it including me. I am yours and I want and desire to lead a life that is pleasing to you and to you alone. Give me the strength and wisdom to go where you call, to live as you desire, and to love as You have loved me. In Christ, Amen.

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