Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Encourage Each Other

Scripture: So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Observation: As Christians we are to help and support each other during times of trail and celebrate the victories of life.

Application: This is one of the reasons that I think more churches should impliment the small group model. We are instructed by Paul to encourage each other and build each other up and yet so often we spend our time tearing each other down. As humans, we have something in us that wants and desires to be "on top" and very often this comes at the expense of others. Yet, as Christians, there is an expectation to hold one another up and to encourage instead of discourage. I often find myself in this trap. Yet, to realize that tearing someone down is only tearing ones own self down. As Christians, when we encourage and build someone else up, we ourselves are built up.

Prayer: Almighty and awesome God, help me to remember each day to build others up. That whatever I may be going through in life, others are going through something also. Help me to help them by building them up.

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