Monday, May 21, 2007

Don't Point That Finger

Scripture: Some of you accuse others of doing wrong. But there is no excuse for what you do. When you judge others, you condemn yourselves, because you are guilty of doing the very same things. We know that God is right to judge everyone who behaves in this way. Do you really think God won't punish you, when you behave exactly like the people you accuse? You surely don't think much of God's wonderful goodness or of his patience and willingness to put up with you. Romans 2:1.

Observation: There are some people who are quick to point a finger. To point out the sins and faults of others in a condemning way. This scripture says that we have no right to do such a thing because we have behaved in the same way. Sometimes even worse. The consequence is there...God will judge everyone who behaves in this way and punishment is listed.

Application: Lately someone has been telling me how wrong the decisions are that I have made in regards to my mom (mom sustained a brain injury in 2005 due to a car accident and I have been one of her Power's of Attorney). She has been using Bible Scripture like swords to tear me apart and to "show" me that not only does she think I am wrong, but so does God. This Scripture is speaking directly too me this morning.

We are not the judges of others. We cannot and should not see their sins and be condemning nor judgemental. We should love them anyway. That is not to say that we shouldn't call it to their attention. However, to talk with someone about sin that is hurting them with Christian love is extremely difficult to do without it becoming judgemental. Yet if you find you cannot do that...I believe it is in our best interest not to because Paul says that we are condemning ourselves when we do that. It's not worth it.

It takes a great amount of spiritual growth to be able to correct someone in love and not condemnation. But that it is what pray, believe and hope that Christ will do for us.

Prayer: O God, it is so easy to see the fault in others without seeing our own shortcomings. Please help me to turn that pointing finger within and worry more about my own sins that those of others. I'm sure that will give me plenty to be concerned with, without bringing someone elses into the picture. I love you and I thank you for loving me.

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