Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Listening and Doing

Scripture: God accepts those who obey his Law, but not those who simply hear it.

Observation: It is one thing to know or to hear and quite another to obey and do.

Application: Scripture says that even the demons know that Christ is the son of God. It's not enough just to know that information (although it is very good info to be aware of). We must walk the way not only talk the talk and that is where the rubber meets the road. (I wonder how many cliche's I can put in here). So how do I obey the Law of God.

1. The way that I live must be glorifing to God. All too often, I forget this and do things/say/think things that are far from bringing glory to God. It may be the way I react to someone who has hurt me. It may be my aggressive style in dealing with a situation. It may be my lack of compassion for someone that I don't care too much for. I really can't imagine God saying "Good job my faithful servant...way to get your revenge by making that person pay for their mistakes. You did my job well." That's probably not what God is going to say.

2. By growing closer to Christ everyday. Each and every day I have to make a intentitional effort to feed myself spiritually. It is through this spiritual nourishment that I grow in my faith and in my relationships with Christ. I have fallen into the trap of believing that my growth is going to take place automatically and it does not need my assistance but that only can go so far. It is through this growth that I am able to have the strength, passion and desire to attempt to fulfill the law of God.

Prayer: Almighty God, Continue to put in me the passion for growing closer to you.

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