Sunday, May 13, 2007


Scripture: For we speak as messengers who have been approved by God to be entrusted with the Good News. Ou purpose is to please God, not people. He is the one who examines the motives of our hearts. 1 Thessalonians 2:4

Observation: There is a great burden placed upon those how speak as messengers of God. As preachers, we are expected to deliver sermons that are not of our own, but of God. Some of these sermons will not make people happy, but that is not what there purpose is. The purpose of a preacher is to please God and there will be a test as He examines our motives for what is said.

Application: Speak with the boldness of God. Speak with the strength of Jesus and not to be afraid that someone may not like what is said. In the world today, we worry about and go out of our way not to offend anyone. How can the Word of God be spoken without EVERYONE being offended. We have all sinned against God and to myknowledge none of us (including myself) have reached perfection. Thus we will continue to be offended by the Word of God.

As a pastor, I have a huge burden not to allow my sermons to become John Monologues. I must make sure that the Word of God is spoken in a way the peopel can understand but not in a condeming way but in a way of love. I will be held accountable. Scripture says that God Himself will examine the motives of myheart. If my motives are for anyone but him...I'm in trouble.

Prayer: Thank you Lord for this calling that you have placed upon my life. May I always seek to speak your Word and not my own. During those times when I speak your Word and everyone else is on my case, Lord, give me strength to look past it; endurance to keep going; and a reminder that my purpose is to please you and not people.

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